Two Wednesdays ago, Cadence and I planted some peppers, tomatoes, and herbs. We didn’t have the time or the budget to do exactly what I had planned, but it’s a good starting point that can easily be improved upon. And, not bad for three hours one afternoon . . . if I do say so myself.
A strand of chicken wire and rebar rods is acting as our make-shift fence at this point. It seems to be doing the job. Ladybug has slipped under it a couple of times, but she hasn’t investigated the plants yet. I think she’s just trying to show me that she can go where ever she wants.
The veggies are progressing nicely. I’m a little concerned about the peppermint and rosemary. There is a slight slope at that end and the first time I watered it funneled straight down towards the tomato plants. I’m expecting the herbs to pop up randomly if they pop up at all.
To be continued . . . .