This piece is to piggy-back a post I made several weeks ago. Once again the school system for which I work continues to surprise me with the level of idiocy with which they act.
#1)We have been “strongly encouraged” to sign incomplete contracts. We’ve been told that downtown will fill in the figures and our years of service later. This leads to my second point.
#2)Our moronic financial supervisor is planning on cutting or eliminating our local supplement. He’s also meeting with the athletic directors about cutting or reducing many of the coaching supplements. These decisions are being mad by a man that earns $110,000+ per year to give sound financial advice to our school system. Did I mention that’s he already held that same position for two companies that filed bankruptcy?
#3) I had to justify why 4 of my 89 seniors would not pass my class. Let’s see . . . one student is in JAIL, one of the student’s quit coming in January, one student is already enrolled in Darsey earning a GED, and one student failed 7 out of 7 classes. Should I really have to justify this BULL$h!t????
Oh yeah, our Human Resources director makes $95,000 per year and had no H.R. experience prior to taking the job.
Welcome to Dougherty County. Where illiterate, underachieving know-it-alls with little to no experience can make mad cash and be given decision making power over the truly educated employees. Hell yeah it’s the Good Life City . . . for them.
#1)We have been “strongly encouraged” to sign incomplete contracts. We’ve been told that downtown will fill in the figures and our years of service later. This leads to my second point.
#2)Our moronic financial supervisor is planning on cutting or eliminating our local supplement. He’s also meeting with the athletic directors about cutting or reducing many of the coaching supplements. These decisions are being mad by a man that earns $110,000+ per year to give sound financial advice to our school system. Did I mention that’s he already held that same position for two companies that filed bankruptcy?
#3) I had to justify why 4 of my 89 seniors would not pass my class. Let’s see . . . one student is in JAIL, one of the student’s quit coming in January, one student is already enrolled in Darsey earning a GED, and one student failed 7 out of 7 classes. Should I really have to justify this BULL$h!t????
Oh yeah, our Human Resources director makes $95,000 per year and had no H.R. experience prior to taking the job.
Welcome to Dougherty County. Where illiterate, underachieving know-it-alls with little to no experience can make mad cash and be given decision making power over the truly educated employees. Hell yeah it’s the Good Life City . . . for them.
(I "borrowed" the picture from the Internet. It pretty much encapsulates how I feel at this moment.)