Tiff wasn't feeling well yesturday afternoon, so she gave me the go-ahead to ride. It's a rarity for me to ride on Mondays or Wednesdays. I've been envious of her because they'be been having 18-20 show for rides and we've had 7-8. The rides they've been having resemble the rides we used to have everynight back in the day plus, some of the old guard have gotten back on the bike and have joined the group.
Long story short, I had a blast. No females showed so the testosterone was probably a little higher than the normal monday/wednesday ride, but it was great. At no point did I feel like I, or anyone in the group was "training". We were just riding.
We were missing a few key pieces from yestur-year, but there were enough of us there to recreate what used to be the highlights of my week. (That and the partying we did afterward.)
Sometimes, the way it was . . . is how it SHOULD BE. The only thing I can't figure out is what was the better song of 1999: Genie in a Bottle - Christina Aguilera or I Want it That Way - Backstreet boys?????
(I'm sure Weaver's voting for the Backstreet Boys.)