Thursday, May 28, 2009


It's officially summer! I ended the school year on a sour note. I sat in Microsoft Certification training for two days; 8:00 - 5:00. The facilitator Nazi wouldn't let us out a minute early either. I missed the faculty golf tournament for the first time in six years. But, I did make it home in time to work a ride in, which ended up being epic. 28mph in pounding rain, bridging to Steve and Gene who jumped off the front six miles earlier. Countering and soloing for the final 500 meters. Warm shower, dry clothes, and Terrapin beer. Excellent start to vacation.

There are two new editions to the Drive Home Sing Along that are awesome. Hunter Jack makes a guest appearance. (Thank you Mr. Buice for continuing the good work.)

The garden is progressing nicely, but the constant rain we've been having has been a little much. We need a little sunshine to dry everything out. On the other hand, my grass is finally filling in. 

I've got a list of need-to-dos, have-to-dos, and want-to-dos. Hopefully I'll get around to it all in the next eight weeks.