Friday, September 25, 2009


Yep . . . it's been a long time since I've posted anything. July, August, and September have been slammed. Spent a lot of time on the bike and with the family. Ended the summer with a great trip to the mountains and then an awesome adventure with some of the guys to do the Off-Road assault on Mt. Mitchell. I spent most of the summer preping for that one event. It was nice to have the trip and race go so smoothly - and I actually raced well.

Schools obvioulsy back in session which means chaos. There's just not enough hours in the day to get everything done. Tiff and I could be professional circus performers with the amount of juggling we do. Needless to say, work has taken over, but we're still squeezing some time for play.

Cadence has become quite the personality. She seems to change over night. Her thoughts and vocabulary amazes me. She keeps us on our toes.

The real reason for my neglect is that we've abondoned our team website and shifted to a blog. I've put some serious time into getting it set up and functioning. I think it's a better alternative for our team purposes. Simple is most DEFINATELY better. (if you're interested)

Fall break's coming up and we're heading up for an extended weekend with Clark and Suzy. We're heading up for the annual Helen Fat Tire Festival and 6hr race. It's going to be awesome to drink some beer at Burnt Dog Lodge and get some NGA mountain biking in. PRAY FOR GOOD WEATHER . . . or I may SNAP!

I promise not to neglect my first born blog for so long this time. I'd hate for my three followers to give up on me.
